Commitment. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Commitment is a
word we hear when speaking of a championship team or when making reference to exemplary leadership. But, we need to take into consideration that commitment doesn’t come easily. Commitment is a pledged promise made to solidify one’s belief in seeing something to its end. Even at times when it would be easier to bale than to push forward, commitment reminds us there’s no turning back. Jesus reminds us in Luke 9 that no one having putting his hand to the plow and then turning back is fit for the kingdom of heaven. Let’s be honest…there are times in life that tempt us to quit short of our goal. I’m reminded of a time when Caleb first started playing pop warner football. The conditioning wrought upon these youngsters was intense! The coach had his sights set on winning the championship, so these kids ran hills, pulled tractor tires the length of the field and did numerous calisthenics. Caleb came home after a particular grueling practice and announced he wanted to quit. I told him at the end of the year if he decided he no longer wanted to play he could quit then. Interestingly enough, his team won the championship game that year by one touchdown (the only touchdown scored in the entire game). Caleb made sure to thank me for not letting him quit before he tasted victory that year. I couldn’t get him off the field after that win! Our Christian lives can be like that. There are times laced with sorrow, difficulty and even fear. We can be devasted by a doctor’s diagnosis, a layoff notice, or an unexpected financial difficulty. God’s Word reminds us not to give up until we taste victory; eternal life. It’s then we can look back and be reminded that every ounce of travail was well worth the victory. Have a blessed day and remember the One who gave it to you! Kevin Comments are closed.
Kevin's KolumnKevin Lough is the minister at the Whitehall Church of Christ in Fairmont WV. Archives
September 2019