I’d never really given it much thought until I read a recent article about the incredible parallel that exists between Adam and Eve, and Christ and His Church. Entertain the similarities. In the beginning God brought Adam into existence. God made a help meet for him by God putting Adam to sleep. The reason for the first anesthetic? To create a help meet suitable for Adam. God removes one of Adam’s ribs and introduces Eve to the Garden. I still love reading the passage that shares Adam’s reaction, “Now THIS is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh!! She shall be called woman because she was taken out of the man!” Adam was thrilled to have someone to share his future with!
Naked, unashamed, uninhibited and free this couple enjoyed physical intimacy in a garden paradise beyond comparison of any Caribbean cruise! I know that because sin wasn’t there at first. They conversed with each other and with God as they walked and talked with Him in the cool of the day. Imagine the depth of communication, intimacy and love! Adam and Eve was commanded to multiply and replenish the earth. Just as Eve was brought into existence by the process just described, centuries later, when the fullness of time had come (Gal. 4:4), the church was formed. As a deep sleep came over Adam, so too, after Jesus’ earthly ministry, Jesus was crucified. While He slept the sleep of death, a Roman soldier pierced the side of our Lord and out came the blood that purchased the church. Think about it: The spiritual bride, the church, was purchased by the blood of Christ, and brought into existence in like manner as Eve, Adam’s bride. Just as Eve was called to remain pure, so too the Church, as the Bride of Christ, must remain pure. (Ephesians 5:25-27). If you were to ask any woman about her wedding day, I’m positive they could share with you the events even down to the most insignificant detail. She could describe the music, the laughter, the tears and the joy. She could recount what time the wedding took place, what was served at the reception, and the names of her bridesmaids. She could describe in detail the look in her husband’s eyes as he expressed vows of faithfulness and love. Just as the budding bride remembers her wedding day, so too does the church, the bride of Christ remember her wedding day and ever be faithful to it … Jeremiah 2:32. Have you said, “I do” to your Creator? Commit your ways to Him. Take Him on in baptism today and begin a life of intimacy as you’ve never known before! Have a blessed day and remember the One who gave it to you! -Kevin Comments are closed.
Kevin's KolumnKevin Lough is the minister at the Whitehall Church of Christ in Fairmont WV. Archives
September 2019